1. | Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery(B.A.M.S.) | 60 |
★ Bachelor of Ayurveda Medical & Surgery (BAMS) is a Four and Half Year Course undergraduate program that offers an integrated course that covers a wide range of subjects of traditional Ayurveda and modern medical systems.
The five and half a year-long course also includes the one-year mandatory internship.
★ BAMS covers a wide range of subjects such as Ayurved Samhita Siddhaint, Rachana Sharir, Kriya Sharir, Dravyaguna, Rasa Shastra evam Bhaisjya Kalpana, Rog Nidan evam Vikriti Vigyan, Swasthvrutta evam Yoga, Agad Tantra evam
Vyavharayurveda Vidhi Vaidyak, Prasuti Tantra evam Stri Roga, Kaumarbhiritya (Balroga), Kayachikitsa, Panch Karma, Shalya Tantra, Shalakya Tantra with Herbal Garden and in Hospital there are 08 OPD and 07 IPD in different clinical Departments.
★ Students aspiring for a career in Bachelor of Ayurveda must have great power of concentration and determination as the courses include a lot of reading of both modern science and ancient Ayurveda texts.
★ Ayurveda is gaining a lot of popularity not only in India but in the Western World because of natural healing properties with minimum side-effects as these medicines are prepared from natural herbs, vegetables, and plants.